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[vc_about btn_style=“arrow-right“ style=“classic“ image=“2052″ title=“The Seascape Villas project“ subtitle=“Hello, We’re PRAGUE“ grad_word=“p“ grad_text=“Yabroudi“ button=“|title:more%20about%20us||“]
[vc_headings subtitle=“OUR PROJECTS“ title=“Comprised of architects, designers, and builders, we believe in good design and getting our hands dirty.“ align=“Center“][/vc_headings]
[the_grid name=“Prague Portfolio Masonry 3″]
[tur_call_to_action bg_color=“#050505″ bg_second_color=“#050505″ btn_style=“a-btn-line“ title=“Let’s Start a Cool Project Together?“ button=“|title:CONTACT%20ME||“]
[vc_headings subtitle=“OUR SERVICES“ title=“we always try to provide quality and confidence in the right choice, millions of people have already chosen us“ align=“Center“][/vc_headings]
[vc_services icon=“icon-bargraph“ icon_color=“#111111″ icon_second_color=“#111111″ style=“right“ title=“Architecture“ text=“This is what we do every day. We offer full project solutions from start to finish.“]
[vc_services icon=“icon-lightbulb“ icon_color=“#111111″ icon_second_color=“#111111″ style=“right“ title=“Creative thinking“ text=“All projects are unique. To each one we bring level of enquiry and investigation searching for the best solution.“]
[vc_services icon=“icon-attachment“ icon_color=“#111111″ icon_second_color=“#111111″ style=“right“ title=“Build relationships“ text=“Behind every project is a committed client with a vision and dedication to make the project happen.“]
[vc_services icon=“icon-key“ icon_color=“#111111″ icon_second_color=“#111111″ style=“right“ title=“Problem solving“ text=“Solving problems is a large part of what we do. Providing solutions- ‘designing’ is what we call it.“]
[vc_services icon=“icon-gears“ icon_color=“#111111″ icon_second_color=“#111111″ style=“right“ title=“Approvals“ text=“Nothing happens in a vacuum and we understand that our regulated society is there for the common good.“]
[vc_services icon=“icon-presentation“ icon_color=“#111111″ icon_second_color=“#111111″ style=“right“ title=“Project managment“ text=“Building is the ultimate manifestation of our hard work. Builder and architect work together to deliver high quality.“]
[vc_contacts style=“info_with_form“ title=“Contact us“ address_info=“%5B%7B%22address%22%3A%22742%20DuBuque%20Point%20Apt.%20229%22%7D%5D“ icon_address=“icon-map-pin“ email_info=““ icon_email=“icon-envelope“ phone_info=“%5B%7B%22phone%22%3A%22042-186-1276%22%7D%2C%7B%22phone%22%3A%22042-186-1276%22%7D%5D“ icon_phone=“icon-phone“ icon_custom_color=“#111111″ icon_second_custom_color=“#111111″ form=“7″]Email us with any questions or inquires or call to us. We would be happy to answer your questions and set up a meeting with you. Tur Studio can help set you apart from the flock![/vc_contacts]